Chimichurri er en kald saus som brukes mye i Sør- og Mellom-Amerika. Passer ypperlig som tilbehør til stekt eller grillet kjøtt. In its red version, tomato and red bell pepper may also be added. Hvis du har mulighet, lag gjerne sausen en stund i forveien slik at smakene får satt seg, da blir den ekstra god.

In Argentina, chimichurri is used both as a marinade and a sauce for grilled steak, but you can use it also with fish, chicken, or even pasta. Check out the links at the bottom of the recipe for some different takes on how to make chimichurri sauce from fellow food bloggers. Ha urter, hvitløk, salt og pepper i en foodprocessor eller kjør det sammen med en stavmikser. Tilsett rødvinseddik, sitronsaft og olje i en tynn stråle under kjøring.
This recipe for a colorful chimichurri sauce doubles as a marinade and an accompaniment to all cuts of beef. Sausen er ferdig når alt er pent blandet. An yes, you want this. Du blandar snabbt ihop persilja, chili, olivolja, lök och syrlig citronjuice. Såsen är ursprungligen från Argentina och Uruguay, men har sedermera spridit sig och är nu vanligt förekommande i Mexiko, men förekommer också då och då i andra delar av världen.
An essential part of Argentinean cuisine, this tasty, traditional and incredibly easy to make recipe features fresh parsley, garlic. Recipe by chef blade. This TOO easy sauce, of Argentine origin, makes your steak taste like it was just dragged through the garden!
Since chimichurri sauce is made with lots of garlic, it makes a quick and easy topping for garlic bread. This delicious side will bring lots of garlicky flavor to any meal. If you have leftovers, use this chimichurri garlic bread for a sandwich or panini or cut it up and toast for croutons. El chimichurri provendría del “Tximitxurri”, que en euskera significaría “revoltijo” o “mezcla”.
De hecho, en la cocina vasca existe una salsa similar pero que se prepara con ajo y perejil, junto con hierbas aromáticas, chile rojo, pimienta de cayena, tomillo y romero. Gelegentlich wird er aber auch als Marinade für Fisch oder Geflügel oder als Sauce für die beliebte Bratwurst auf Weißbrot (Choripán) benutzt. About BBC Good Food. We are the UK’s number one food brand. Whether you’re looking for healthy recipes and guides, family projects and meal plans, the latest gadget reviews, foodie travel inspiration or just the perfect recipe for dinner tonight, we’re here to help.
In Argentina, where grilled beef (“asado”) is an art form, chimichurri is an essential condiment—meats, like this Grilled Tri-Tip, are never served without it. Here, it’s a bright-green, pesto-like sauce containing herbs, garlic, and tangy vinegar (note that, while fresh oregano adds an earthy punch, dried is an acceptable substitute). To make the chimichurri , blitz the parsley, oregano, garlic, shallot and chilli flakes in a food processor or chop very finely by hand. Add tbsp of the olive oil, the lemon juice, vinegar and some seasoning, and pulse to combine everything to a saucy consistency. Rub the remaining oil and a little seasoning into the steaks.
Reviews My favorite is the caramelized onion with the. Ciągle miksując, stopniowo dolewać oliwę. Odstawić, aby sos się przegryzł. W Argentynie zalecane jest wystawienie go na słońce.
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