Fly med oss verden rundt og prøv rundt 9forskjellige flyselskaper! Enter your weight and height using standard or metric measures. Along with your age, the rating of your body mass index is markedly changing.

For a detailed overview, use your coloured health risk chart. The chart below shows examples of body mass indexes. The figure at which your height corresponds with your weight is your body mass index.
Mange er kanskje ikke klar over at det er uheldig å veie for lite, da en sunn kroppsvekt er viktig for god helse. For enkelte kan det være like vanskelig å gå opp i vekt som det er for andre å gå ned i vekt. KMI (kroppsmasseindeks) beregnes ut fra en persons vekt og høyde, og er for de fleste et godt mål på mengden kroppsfett. Dette gir også mulighet for å klassifisere i ulike vektkategorier. For barn ≤ år gjelder andre normalverdier enn hos voksne.

Draw a line from your height to your weight and pull the line through to the index to find out the score. In general, the higher the number, the more body fat a person has. It is this chart that keeps a plot on your height and weight for getting body mass index. Take, for instance, a person is 5’9.
BMI Chart and Table. He proposed that people’s weight could be classified relative to an ideal weight for their height. To this day, Body Mass Index is also referred to as the Quetelet index. It is often used by physicians and researchers studying obesity.
For example, an adult who weighs kg and whose height is 1. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). This is an example page. Doctors use this to assess a person’s health.
In order to use the body mass index chart , the doctor would measure your height and weight. Fortunately, there are many ways to minimize your risk for these diseases — primarily by reducing weight, taking on a healthy diet, and becoming more physically active. Legal Disclamer: The information provided on TemplateRoller. Besides that, it also becomes the measurement for the requirement of weight loss surgery.
It is not only for men, but also for women. Knowing if you have too much body fat can motivate you to make positive lifestyle changes to lose weight and improve your health. What is body mass index ? The amount of fat is the critical measurement.
The Body Mass Index Calculator is a scientific measurement that helps in categorizing an individual into a certain weight group. It is, however, not a test for identifying the health or fitness of any individual. It can be used to measure whether you have an ideal body or not.
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